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Lawn And Garden Month

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National Lawn and Garden Month is celebrated each year in April.  For many of us, we need no reminder that spring means lawn care and planting time, but the month also provides an opporunity to explore checklists, resources, and lawn and garden tips.

Lawns and gardens go together.  By spring we are all eager to get outside and enjoy the nice weather and the rebirth of all things green.  In most residential neighborhoods making the most out of your outdoor space means adapting to small spaces.  Where space is at a premium, container or raised gardens make having fresh vegetables possible for your table.

April is the perfect time to clean up your lawn and get ready for summer.  It's important to get the mowing height right when you mow your lawn.  Most lawns do well at 2 or 3 inches, but it's a good idea to keep it a little longer durning hot months.  Leaving the grass clippings on your lawn recycles the plant nutrients back into the soiland is a great fertilizer.  

How to Observe #LawnAndGardenMonth

- post your favorite plants for the season;

- go shopping for herbs, flowers and garden vegetables;

- tune up your lawn mower;

- enjoy the outdoor time on your lawn. 

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